What is artificial intelligence and know Ai benefits 2024

By Narendra

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artificial intelligence

In this article we are going to talk about Artificial Intelligence, what is Ai and what are its advantages and what are its disadvantages and why is AI important in the future. We are going to talk about all these issues in this article. Friends, Ai is prevalent all over the world and it seems that the future is going to be all about AI.

artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence

What is Artificial Intelligence

So let me tell you that AI is not the name of any person, any company, any organization, it is a tool or we can also call it an advanced level computer, it is a computer which can do any type of calculation. Any type of complex task can be understood immediately and its answer can be given or we can call it a tool which works like the human brain, thinks, speaks and answers and can also affect the human brain. We call it AI. Friends, we will call AI only a tool because in the present times its It is being used like a tool and this tool is becoming a necessity for every common citizen and company’s organization.

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When did Artificial Intelligence start ?

Friends, let me tell you that the inventor or father of AI the great computer scientist of America, Honorable Mr. John McCarthy (computer scientist) is considered because he held a conference in 1956 in which he discussed the concept or artificial concept or artificial science. He shared his opinion with all the sciences and engineers in which he created AI Machine. explained the concept of making.

Then friends, after this all the scientists started working on this project in the early 1980s. Japan’s computer scientist started a plan called Fifth Generation and outlined the plan to build a super computer. After this, friends, gradually scientists from all countries showed their interest in AI or super computer project and today’s time is in front of you.

What are the uses of Artificial Intelligence ?

Artificial Intelligence is being used in all fields. Let me explain to you by giving a small example. If you use social media platforms, then you must have seen that with the help of AI. people make videos and those videos get views in lakhs of crores. Friends, all this is made using AI and friends, you must have also seen that people like this type of video a lot. Friends, after this, Artificial Intelligence is being used in every sector, Banking Sector, Telecom Sector Sector, News Agency Sector, Hospital Sector, Institutions and Technological Center etc. Artificial Intelligence is used in it, with its help, to make your business go faster and the work of 100 people or thousands of people can be done by just one Artificial Intelligence machine, in which a lot of work is done. After this, friends, you must have seen that in the Woocommerce sector like Flipkart, Amazon and other companies use Artificial Intelligence.

How do Artificial Intelligence work ?

So friends, if I tell you in very simple words, Artificial Intelligence is an advanced level machine or a computer program or an advanced computer which has been programmed in an advanced way and has been made so intelligent or has tried to become so intelligent that it is like humans, takes decisions thoughtfully and gives thoughtful answers but without any of delay. And if we understand in other words, then Artificial Intelligence is a robotic system or a robotic computer which has been created by programming or command programming at an advanced level. And some are programmed in such a way that they are like humans, they respond and think. This includes all things.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence

There are many examples of Artificial Intelligence. You are also using Artificial Intelligence in current times. Below I have given examples of Artificial Intelligence.

ChatGPTChatGPT platform is a tool with the help of which you can get answers to any difficult question. It is a text tool. With the help of ChatGPT. you can get applications written on any topic. If you write blog Post on WordPress or Blogger, then you can get SEO articles written with the help of ChatGPT. If you If you are working on YouTube, you can search the title, description, tax etc. with the help of ChatGPT. If you are a student, you can get your homework done with the help of Chat Gupt. Chat GDP is a very useful tool for you and is a living proof of Artificial Intelligence.


Google Assistant So friends, let me tell you that Google Assistant is a tool created by Google company on which you can get photos, videos and answers to your questions. Google Assistant also works like ChatGPT but on ChatGPT you can only search text etc. and you get absolutely accurate answers but On Google Assistant, you get information like text, photo, image etc. In the coming time, Google Assistant will become very advanced which will become a more powerful tool than ChatGPT. Friends, Google Assistant ChatGPT, all these are the biggest examples of Artificial Intelligence.

Google Assistant

So friends, by now you must have got the information about what is Artificial Intelligence and what is its use. Friends, in the coming time, Artificial Intelligence is going to be used on a very large level.

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