How to transfer sim card ownership

By Narendra

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transfer sim card ownership

Friends, do you want that the document attached to your SIM is in the name of some other person? transfer sim card ownership And if you want to put a document in your name in the SIM, then this article will prove to be very helpful for you For transfer sim card ownership. With the help of this article, you will be able to convert the SIM into another document by removing the document of another person from your SIM. In this article, you will get complete information. I am going to give information, so friends, without stopping, keep reading this article till the end.

transfer sim card ownership
transfer sim card ownership

What is SIM document – transfer sim card ownership

So friends, when you buy a SIM, you have to provide a government document or identity proof. This is your identity card. If someone does anything wrong with your SIM or your number or talks to someone in wrong words, then if your When someone makes a police complaint, then the police team finds out your information or your identity from your number and friends, this is the reason why everyone is scared thinking that if someone uses your SIM or your number and speaks abusively to someone, then they will The person will complain to you and the police team will come to you and take legal action. And friends, let me tell you one more thing, every company has different rules and regulations. And when we take a SIM from any company and the document we give to them does not change the document and some companies change the document, then friends, you always have to keep in mind that while taking the SIM, give your own document or identity card. Do not take SIM on any other person’s identity card. Now let us know how to remove someone else’s document from our SIM and add or change our own identity card or our own document.

How to transfer sim card ownership

So friends transfer sim card ownership if you call your SIM company i.e. SIM telecom company and tell them that Sir, we have to change the documents from our SIM, then they will clearly refuse you and say that there is no such rule of our company that A person can change his document and apply another document, but friends, if you have come to our website, then I will tell you my own method of changing the SIM card document or from my point of view how we can change the SIM document and identity card. You will have to get your SIM ported. Now friends, you are wondering what is a SIM port, then let me tell you what a SIM port is.

How to send SIM port SMS

So friends, to get the SIM port code, you will have to go to the message in your mobile. After going to the message, you will have to write PORT in capital letter and give space or leave the space and write your complete number which you want to port. And let me tell you one more thing, you have to send this SMS from the same SIM number for which you want to change the document or get the port code and you have to write this SMS and send it to 1900. And friends, while sending this message, it is very important to have a main balance of more than ₹ 1 in your mobile.

How to transfer sim card ownership with the help of SIM port

A few minutes after sending the SMS of SIM port, the port code will be sent to your number by the company. This code will remain valid for 7 days. You have to use this code within 7 days. Now you will have to go to the service center of the company to which you want to transfer your SIM or go to the nearest mobile retailer’s shop which sells SIM cards. There you will have to say that we want to transfer our SIM to another company. If you want to get it done, then it will ask you the company in which you want to get your SIM ported and there you will have to give the new document or identity card and the SMS you sent to get the SIM ported and after that you will get the SIM port number. The code that came will have to be given to them or told. So friends, your SIM will be ported within 7 days. The shopkeeper or the SIM service center will give you a new SIM card and say that your SIM will be activated in 7 days, then your old SIM will be switched off and the new SIM will be switched off. Once the card has been taken, it will be activated and in this way you can get your SIM ported and change the documents of your SIM.

Wait friends, I have forgotten to tell you one more thing. Friends, a lot of fraud and spamming is happening due to SIM port service. Therefore, the code of the SIM port should not be given to anyone. If you tell this code to an unknown or known person, then with the help of that code he can impersonate his own identity and steal your number. Therefore, be wise and do not give the SIM port code to anyone without any reason because you also know that the number of your SIM is a very important number and with its help your bank account, Facebook account, WhatsApp account etc. can be hacked. Because your number is definitely linked to your bank or any social media account. So take special care that do not give the port code that comes on your number to anyone, that is why I am saying that you should go to a shop known to you and get the SIM port done or you can go directly to the service center and get this work done.

And friends, if you have any more questions related to this article then you can ask us by commenting below. And friends, I have made a complete video on this topic, if you want to watch it, then the link of that video is given below.

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